Industry News

Safety is Everybody’s Business

Safety is Everybody’s Business

At Productivity Force health and safety is our priority and we follow a culture of ‘no harm; safety is everybody’s business’. We therefore do everything

Post-Pandemic Recovery

Post-Pandemic Recovery

As a key driver of the Australian Economy, the construction industry will be key to post-pandemic recovery. The sector not only produces infrastructure essential to

The Benefits of Temporary Labour Hire

The Benefits of Temporary Labour Hire

One of the key benefits of temporary labour hire is the agility it provides, and if COVID-19 taught business owners anything, it’s the importance of

Changing the Perception

Changing the Perception

The construction industry is experiencing a prevailing labour shortage with just half the qualified candidates per advertised construction jobs. This problem is also only expected to

Building a Sustainable Workforce

Building a Sustainable Workforce

A sustainable workforce describes how able and willing employees are to remain working and is critical in maintaining a sufficient workforce. It focuses on attracting

COVID-19 and the Supply of Labour

COVID-19 and the Supply of Labour

The unfolding COVID-19 epidemic has seen entire countries across the world placed into complete lockdown with the shutdown of all non-essential services. Currently, the continuity

Back to the Future of Labour Hire

Back to the Future of Labour Hire

Digital transformation will increasingly shape the construction industry, and yet we know it still takes the best people to make a successful company. Robotics and